One of the things many photographers struggle with when they first start shooting is finding their own photographic style. How do you make your photos unique and different from every other photographer?

Here are some of MY tips that helped ME to create the Urban Bridesmaid brand and define the ‘photographs of personality‘! I hope that they help, but I am sure that you have your own tips so leave them in the comment box below!

  1. You have to shoot, shoot and shoot some more. Practice makes perfect. Great musicians practice daily, so why shouldn’t photographers?
  2. Teach yourself to see.
  3. Be proactive not reactive.
  4. Know your camera equipment, know its limitations and make sure its operation is second nature to you.
  5. Keep going. Every photographer goes through periods of ‘writer’s block’ or photographer’s block if you will, at various stages in your career. You need to push through this plateau.
  6. Look at other photographers’ work and pay attention to what you consistently like and dislike about it, because that will give you an indication of how you like to shoot e.g if you hate bright colours and prefer muted tones – you may gravitating towards desaturated vintage processing for example.
  7. Once you know what you like, keep practicing till it is second nature.
  8. Have a consistent processing style – if you have to play with Photoshop non stop till you find the right processing style like Julia Roberts’ character in Runaway Bride eating eggs till she found out how she liked to cook her eggs  – 20% of this, 47% of that, so be it.
  9. It is good to be inspired by others, but sometimes you just have to step away from looking at other photographers’ work on blogs, clear all the white noise from your head and be inspired from YOU!
  10. Mix it up a little and try new stuff!

How did you find your own photographic style? Comment below!